Donnerstag, 22. September 2016

Why I draw

As you can guess from the category's name, I want to use it for my drawings and scribbles.  
I always liked drawing, but not as much as I do nowadays. It all started when I was about 14/15 years old. Our school had something to celebrate, but I can’t remember what anymore. Every class had its own topic for decoration, our topic was “fashion through the ages”. A friend of mine, who can draw very well, showed me some tricks as we made a few posters.

After that I tried to draw as much as I could. But even after many years of practising, I don’t think that I can draw very well. Mostly it’s quite difficult to draw something without a picture on my computer or tablet as a guide. 
So I would be glad if you can give me feedback or some tips. 

~ Silvana 

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